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2024 Academic exchanges at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey (6)

author: Yan Yuheng Date: 2024-07-28 View:

This exchange program with Rutgers University is very valuable, and I would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity. I can say that I fully grasped this opportunity, worked hard to learn and communicate, and demonstrate the talents of our students. This exchange program has benefited me a lot in the following aspects:

First of all, in terms of academic aspects, The philosophy studies at Rutgers University tend to be analytical and mainly focus on teaching and research on philosophical issues, which provides me with a way to learn and do philosophy from a perspective which different from the history of philosophy. Professors' teaching style is humorous and their teaching content is rich, which makes me think deeply and brings me many inspirations. For example, Professor Karen Bennett actively communicates with students in her lectures, often arouses students' thinking through examples, considers course arrangements from the perspective of students.Professor Trip McCrossin is quite knowledgeable and experienced in history and philosophy, but he is humorous in teaching style. He is good at grasping students' interest points and telling the history of philosophy from the perspective of philosophical problems, making the grand history of philosophy clear, easy to understand and interesting. Professor Michael Glanzberg has high academic achievements in the philosophy of language and logic. In the course of teaching, he goes from simple to deep. The classroom atmosphere is relaxed and humorous, and he explains logic clearly without losing depth. In a word, the professors of Rutgers University have deeply influenced me through their strong personal charm and high academic level, which makes me more passionate about philosophy and more interested in philosophical research in the future.

Secondly, in terms of life, after a period of communication, I gradually adapted to the rhythm and lifestyle of local life, and was able to pay attention to cultural differences and communication issues, and feel the cultural atmosphere of the United States. Here I would like to thank Ms.Shuman Wen for providing students with a lot of convenience and support in study and life, so that we can concentrate on academic exchange activities, and thank Mr. Li Long, and Ms. Zhang Xinyao for taking good care of students during the whole program. It can be said that I can’t successfully complete this exchange program without the support of the above teachers.

For me, the biggest gain of this exchange program is that I can look at various issues with an international perspective and a larger pattern, which is also the most valuable thing. Whether in academia or in life, global vision, international mind and overall awareness are essential, and this exchange program has given me sufficient opportunities to strive to break the "comfort zone" in study and life, to meet new challenges. Thanks again to Jilin University for providing this valuable exchange opportunity! Thanks to Rutgers Vice President Eric Garfunkel for his support of this project! Thanks to Jilin University School of Philosophy and Sociology and Rutgers University Department of Philosophy for your support!