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2024 Academic exchanges at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey (7)

author: Zhang Qiyan Date: 2024-07-28 View:

I gained a lot from this experience, primarily in improving my language skills, increasing my academic reading from both depth and breadth of my professional knowledge, and getting some new ideas for my research.

In terms of language, this experience significantly enhanced my English proficiency in both listening and speaking. Under the English environment, my listening skills boosted a lot, while regular oral communication also deepened my understanding and fluency in expressing myself in English. To academic reading, I have read some books on philosophy of mind in both Chinese and English version for preparation, and during the exchange, I read more about philosophy of mind in English for the last presentation. Improved my reading depth, this project also enhanced my proficiency in reading other academic texts in English, benefiting my future research.

The core of this exchange was a series of lectures delivered by distinguished professors from around the world, covering a wide range of fields including the history of philosophy, philosophy of mind, ethics, and political philosophy. These sessions provided profound insights into cutting-edge issues within their respective fields, offering perspectives rare domestic and expanded my intellectual horizons. At the same time, replied previous views in history of philosophy, with a further explanation, these issues can be very professional.

In terms of research methodology, I was influenced by the analytical methods of American scholars, which differ significantly from continental philosophers. Their emphasis on propositional analysis and logic in dissecting philosophical propositions profoundly impacted me. Contemporary philosophy of mind similarly utilizes analytical philosophy, with the analysis across multiple domains such as logic, propositions and language as its foundation, and combined with insights from modern neuroscience, analyzing human consciousness. This analytical framework has significant implications for other related research fields like computer science and AI.

Interactions were another highlight. American professors emphasize fostering a critical mindset through students’ questions and participation. Aimed at cultivating philosophical critical thinking, a vibrant class atmosphere is necessary. All of these are the differences in methods, which are worth talking and studying.