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2024 Academic exchanges at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey (9)

author: Zheng Zhaoheng Date: 2024-07-28 View:

During my summer exchange program in the Philosophy Department of American Logos University, I experienced an academic journey full of challenge and discovery. This experience was like a feast of ideas, allowing me to swim in the ocean of knowledge and wisdom.

The depth and breadth of the course content gave me a new understanding of philosophy. From the wisdom of ancient Greek philosophers to the complex issues of modern philosophy, every class is a touch of the heart. I learned how to find philosophical threads in the long river of history and how to apply philosophical thinking in contemporary society. These courses not only enhanced my knowledge, but also stimulated my enthusiasm for exploring the unknown. The variety of teaching methods allows me to learn through interaction and practice. This way of teaching taught me how to express my own opinions, how to listen to the voices of others, and how to find consensus among different opinions. These skills have been critical to my academic development and even my personal growth. The strength of the teaching staff is one of the highlights of this course. Each of the professors was a leader in their field, and their erudition and passion deeply influenced me. The high efficiency of organization and management enables me to devote myself to study. This communication course also allowed me to make significant progress in my language skills. Studying in an all-English environment, I not only improved my English, but also learned how to conduct in-depth academic discussions in English. In terms of independence, this experience has taught me how to live independently and how to think independently. Living abroad has taught me how to manage myself and how to be self-motivated. These abilities are extremely valuable for my future academic and professional career. In addition, this exchange course also allowed me to have a deeper understanding of my academic interests. Through the study and exploration of different branches of philosophy, I have more clearly defined my future research direction. I learned how to choose a suitable research topic, how to design a research proposal, and how to conduct academic writing according to my own interests and goals. In terms of critical thinking, this experience taught me how to analyze problems critically. I learned how to look at problems from different angles and how to make sound judgments in complex situations. This critical thinking ability is extremely important for my future academic research and decision-making. In the final English report, I trained my English expression ability and language reporting ability comprehensively, and felt the difference between Chinese presentation and English presentation.

All in all, the Summer exchange program in the Philosophy Department of American Logos University was an unforgettable academic journey. It not only let me acquire knowledge, but also let me learn to think and learn to grow. This experience will become a precious treasure in my life, and its value and significance will stay with me all my life.