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2024 Academic exchanges at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey (11)

author: Zou Yudu Date: 2024-07-28 View:

In the process of participating in the "Jilin University-Rutgers University Philosophy Summer School", I have gained a lot in terms of learning.

Among them, my most direct gain is that I have learned a lot of professional knowledge. The arrangement of this course involves rich professional content such as political philosophy, philosophy of the mind, ethics, philosophy of art, epistemology, philosophy of language, and history of philosophy. When learning these contents, it also involves knowledge from other fields, such as psychology, sociology, cognitive science, and neuroscience. In the interdisciplinary class, the philosophical knowledge learned gives me a more vivid feeling, inspiring me to pay attention to this aspect in my future studies and research. Being confined to the field of philosophy may limit my learning and research.

In addition, my biggest gain is a change in my thinking in learning and research.In my previous study of philosophy, I focused on passively accepting the knowledge imparted and explained by the teacher, which resulted in a one-sided understanding of the knowledge and did not form my own understanding. The memory in my mind is mostly just a restatement of the teacher's viewpoint or book's viewpoint. However, the active classroom atmosphere in this activity allowed me to participate more actively in the classroom. For example, I was able to speak directly to the teacher and ask questions when I was confused about knowledge, and I was also more proactive in participating in discussions with classmates.

During this event, I was able to get a closer look at the philosophical atmosphere of Rutgers University. This gave me a deeper appreciation for contemporary philosophical research in other countries than before. In that sense, this project has broadened my horizons.

In addition, it is also very interesting to learn about the customs and regional characteristics of United States.

Overall, although there were difficulties in this activity, I gained a lot in the process of overcoming difficulties and working hard to study and live.

Finally, I am very grateful to our university for giving me this opportunity, and I am also grateful to Rutgers University for all kinds of careful arrangements.