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2024 Academic exchanges at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey (12)

author: Li Ruoyu Date: 2024-07-28 View:

I gained a lot from participating in the Rutgers University Summer School of Philosophy. Firstly, academically, I delved deeply into various fields of philosophy, learning about cutting-edge academic perspectives and research methods. The philosophical world is profound and vast, and every discussion feels like a mental adventure. Here, I came across various novel philosophical viewpoints, and exchanging ideas with professors and classmates expanded my horizons. From contemporary political philosophy to the continuity of time, from the ethics of harm and help to philosophy of language, every topic sparked deep reflection within me. Learning about the contradictions and relationships between classical and non-classical logic, experiencing the interplay and separation between perception and thought, I deeply felt the philosophical refinement of my thinking. Faced with the challenges and reflections on various philosophical problems, I often felt confused, but it was precisely this confusion that drove me to keep exploring. These courses not only enriched my knowledge system but also broadened my way of thinking. Through discussions and exchanges with professors and classmates, my ability to reason and analyze philosophical problems was greatly improved, enabling me to delve deeper into these issues. I also learned how to think about problems from different angles, broadening my academic horizons.

Secondly, in terms of cross-cultural communication, I have learned about the differences and similarities between different cultures. Through the communication with professors, the most direct impact is that I have improved my English expression ability, practical English application ability and cross-cultural communication ability, and also felt the Western cultural tradition and different cultural atmosphere in the communication, thus expanding my international vision. This will have a positive impact on my future development and enable me to better adapt to the globalized society.

Last but not least, it was my first time to go abroad, and I experienced the Western lifestyle and different landscapes. I also met many kind and knowledgeable teachers and professors in my two-week life, which also enhanced the intimate feelings between my classmates. In terms of personal growth, this experience has made me more independent and confident. In a strange environment, I learned how to take care of myself and solve the problems I encountered. This summer school let me see my potential and enhanced my confidence to pursue my academic dream.